7:24 pm


I have to agree with this study :

"For a short period, at least, the effects of sleep inertia may be as bad as or worse than being legally drunk," said researcher Kenneth Wright of the University of Colorado at Boulder.

That befuddled feeling usually lasts for at least a few minutes but may be detectable for up to two hours, Wright wrote in a report published in this week's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association."

For some time, I tried to make sure all my personally rostered meetings were either late morning or afternoon. The excuse given, being an oeprations person, was that we normally had things to do for clients/customers when the business day first breaks.

Truth was I was just too damned sleepy in the mornings. Oh, I could function. And morinings could be frenzied. And I really was busy with customers and clients. But meetings? Strategic planning? Ack! Forecasts? Urgh!

I wonder if I'm still the same, 20 months on?