7:40 pm

Calm, for now.

My next scheduled inteview with french MNC is tomorrow morning.

Thinking about it.... ach, I'm really doing this for the money, nothing else. Unlike what the recruitor mentioned, it is not for a management pisition. I'll be a lacky but hey! a pay raise and a fruitful job is much better than my holiday one. Plus, I have no background in beauty/healthcare, my grounding being in tech. The job will require a marketing-services-type skillset but..... planning for techies is far far different than planning for them tai-tais!

To boot, I am prolly one of the most practical woman you'd find - if I cannot use a product in the shower, then I don't want to use it at all. And here I am facing a second interview for a glamour puss of a company. It's so damned ironic. :)

Oh well..... whatever happens, happens!