2:43 am

Small mercies

Thank God for ranting.

I mentioned
earlier about some FUBAR planning for the thousands of emails that will be released as part of the yearly statement. I have been on stand-by since Jan 25. It is now Feb 7. Almost a full 2 weeks.

It fair boggles the mind that the IT HoD accepts that the targetted release date is just before a long public holiday, when he knows there will be zero staff around to troubleshoot if something goes wrong. In a decade of working for corporate, I have never seen such neligent planning.

Emails finally hit desk this evening. Yes, I was on stand-by but no, I had shut down the designated PC. I'd been put on the late night shift, all was quiet, I was enjoying my free time, and I wasn't going to spoil it by knuckling down to emails 2 hours before my shift ended.

Had a slacker evening, man. Tomorrow will be a new day :)