Awesome - that would pretty much describe my day.
Awesome good : met Bernie after my midnight shift for breakfast. We were off to Changi Village Hotel, to attack their morning buffet and, especially, their egg station. When we're on holiday and there is an egg station ..... watch out!! I hade 2 omelletes, with 6 sausages. Yummy! Hungry after my night shift! But Bernie... lemme tell you..... Bernie..... She started off with 2 eggs sunny-side up + omellete, then it was one more sunny side up, then it was one more omelette. With little tidbits from the rest of the dishes thrown in.The woman is a fiend when it comes to an egg station. But it made her so damned happy! I couldn't believe it! I was teasing her about it, we were both so stuffed. Yes, we concluded that eggs were her comfort food. :)
Awesome I-can't-believe-I-did-it-not-good : got home from the breakfast, mucked around, finally fell asleep at about 1pm, and slept all the way through until 9.30PM. Shit. Thank god I am on the midnight shift again on Mon. My sleeping pattern's all screwed up right now.
Possible through-the-night blogging if I'm wide awake at 4am later on.
I cannot believe I didn't mention this : F&B Mgr paid for our bill. After stuffing ourselves with eggs, Bernie and I whip out our wallets and prepare to leave.
Syed, the outlet mgr comes over and says You have a secret admirer. Your bill's been paid.
I laugh and point to Bernie, She may have, but this doesn't happen to me.
Syed shakes his head and insists No. Really. You don't have a bill. it's been signed for.
We're still laughing.... No, lah. Really. We're ready to pay.
And Syed raises his eyebrows and shoots back Want me to check who signed it?
I'm not laughing anymore. Yes please, I reply firmly.
Syed staunters back, confirms that I have no bill, and that it was William, the F&B head who signed it off.
Me and Bernie are a tad stunned. Granted, I am a fairly frequent visitor, with outlet consumption and room stays. But rooms are normally booked under the MasterChief's name - only in our last two stays did I have my name added. And Bernie and I pay in cash, so there's no way to to track our expenditure. And finally, I have never met William. Based on my previous experience at the Shang, we got to know our customer first, before signing them free meals. :o
We suspect it is Syed, who asked for the bill to be signed for. Generous bugger that he's turned out to be.
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