Uh oh.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Men getting no more than 6 hours of sleep per night, as well as those getting more than 8 hours of shut eye per night, were at significantly increased risk for developing diabetes, compared to men getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.
The risk of diabetes was roughly twofold higher in men reporting short sleep duration and more than threefold higher in those reporting long sleep duration, compared with men sleeping 7 to 8 hours nightly.
"This U-shaped distribution of risk with respect to sleep duration has been reported previously for coronary heart disease, all cause mortality, and diabetes in women," Yaggi told Reuters Health.
The elevated risks with short or long durations of sleep "remained essentially unchanged" after adjustment for several factors including age, blood pressure, smoking status and waist circumference, the authors say.
I wish we lived in a simpler age. The more we find out, the more causes we have to worry about. I think my own personal mantra for good living is everything in MODERATION and I think I'll keep to it.
I wonder if I'll have time to nap tonight, during work?
Hi Fiona!! Sorry I haven't been around lately spent most of this week in the hospital. Just can't seem to beat this stuff. I am doing good though and will start posting again on sunday. :)
Greg, we have missed you :)
What were you doing in a hospital?? You're indestructible! We all know that! lol.
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