This was, I'm sorry to say, just too good to pass on.
All those jokes about men not asking for directions? Well now. Another useless survey that actually proved something. For once.
British male drivers waste nearly six million hours a year lost on the road because they are reluctant to ask for directions.
Men who are lost wait an average of 20 minutes before giving up and asking for ddirections, while women only wait 10 minutes before seeking help, according to a survey from Royal Automobile Club Direct Insurance.
Men even endure a "nagging period" of around 10 minutes from their partner before throwing in the towel and stopping to ask the way, the poll showed
Heh. I don't forsee this, in the near future, with the MasterChief and I. In Singapore, I'm the direction finder. In the US, he'll be the one. But what kills me is the nagging period.
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