3:08 pm


I thought the age gap between me and my MasterChief was large.
I'll be 34 this year. He'll be 55.
But it looks like I'm not the only one.

Once a carouser of legendary proportions, (Evel) Knievel slowed down after a near-fatal bout with Hepatitis C and a 1999 liver transplant. He lives with 36-year-old Krystal Kennedy-Knievel, his longtime partner who looks after him and helps with his business affairs. (They divorced in 2002 but remain together.)

Actually, the article is about the man himself but that paragraph caught my eye. EK will be 67 this year and that makes a 31 year age gap. Something even I find a little hard.

No, if the woman is happy, then more power to her. But it's just not for me.... too old and you end up spending your twilight alone, bereft of your loved one. Just thinking about it makes me feel lonely. Still, wouldn't give up the MasterChief for anything. When you know it's right, you have to go for it.

Got to grab life by the balls, so to speak, eh?


Greg said...

Grab it live it and most of all don't second guess it and don't regret it. Makes life more inreresting.


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Aw yeah :)
So say I as well.

Within reason, of course. lol.