2:08 pm

Normal, a perspective?

I haven't had a normal day for the longest time.

It feels weird.

*I* feel weird.

Started work yesterday at 8.30am, knocked off at 5.30pm, home and dinner by 8, R&R for a bit, then an hour on the treadmill, all showered and in bed by about midnight. Holy crap. It's now 2pm, lunch has been seen to; I'm up, alert, not the least bit tired. And I have no idea what to do with myself for the rest of the day. My night shift starts at 11pm tonight so I have at least 7 hours to kill.

Lemme put things into perspective for you. Shift work has skewed my body clock so badly that I usually feel sleepy only at 4 or 5am, left on my own I will wake past noon. Lunch is something grabbed around 3 or 4pm and dinner is usually after 9pm. Everything's shifted forward. Or backwards, depending on what shift I've done.

It feels really odd to have a normal routine for once.