4:49 am

Another explosion in the making


The vote was 66-33 against a proposal that would have removed provisions giving an eventual chance at citizenship to illegal immigrants who have been in the country more than two years.

A few minutes earlier, the Senate had voted 83-16 in favor of construction of the fence and 500 miles of vehicle barriers, the first significant victory in two days for conservatives seeking to place their stamp on the measure.

Not really my place to judge what is right or wrong. But personally I think this is a not quite such a wonderful conclusion. You shouldn't be rewarding illegal activity, and you should ensure it doesn't come to this again.

Oh well.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. After spending so much money to get my wifey to stay, it is disgusting to see the mexicans coming in for free.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Hot damn, Rob.
This prolly means I'll have a hellova time getting into the US myself, come time to move with my MasterChief.