3:30 am

Out and about.....

..... with some very unpleasant people.

Got a call from B - she was asked to go out for drinks, but didn't want to go alone since the group was not known to her, only her interest. Agreed. What the heck! I was at home, a tad bored, and new people (if they were my kind) would have be fun to chat with.

Whoa. 2 were my kind. 2 were not. All 4 were men. Allow me to share.

The 2 Aussies were kind, charming, gracious and well aware that women had been invited. Nothing too ribald, crass, crude or just plain rude. Invitations to drinks and club entrance fee borne without comment. Our insistence on repayments were turned down graciously but firmly. We were treated like women. They acted like gentlemen.

The 2 locals? Fuck. I wanted to turn them over my knee and spank them with my high heeled slipper.

Heel side in.

First were the jokes. B endured the idiot called Shah. Bad, explicit passes, sexual innuendo that wasn't even particularly smart. Or funny. I endured Sonny, who was overbearing and condescending. The only reason I didn't get the bad innuendo from Sonny was because the first time he tried, he got smacked verbally.

First stop, Que Pasa. That's when B and I exhanged long and signifiant jokes and what fucking idiots we've been saddled with!! would have been the least of our comments.

Next stop, Rouge. By this time, B and I escaped to a table by the dance floor so we could enjoy the band in peace. Rolling our eyes. If not for the fact that Older Aussie was B's interest, I would have left then and there for my own entertainment.

We spoke about it. Both of us were feeling quite pissed. Did the 2 local men think we were hookers? Just because Older Aussie invited us? Did they think it was ok to invite us to play pool with "it's easy, just put the BALL in the HOLE" with a huge leer and a bad wink? And that wasn't the least of it!!

And it doesn't matter that we were invited by Older Aussie. Nevermind that Older Aussie was the one who actually hired them. Irrelevant that he was their boss. CanNOT believe how crass those 2 local boys were! They didn't pay a cent, didn't buy their own ciggerettes, didn't buy their own fucking drinks. What losers!!
