5:43 pm


Holy shit, just got a call from a recruiter.

Actually, I use that word generously. Compared to the one I saw the other day, this one sounded like an Aunty. Which is strange, because I know the firm and they do very heavy middle to upper management recruitment.

But check it :
She didn't know what the client wanted.
She had to read out the "synopsis", hoping I would understand.
She stumbled over the reading. A lot.
No, I couldn't understand.

I finally requested for a soft copy to be emailed.
And she told me You read the job scope. It's very ..... erm.... not clear.... vague. If you think you are suitable, you call me back?

Wow. Talk about low barriers to entry.

Got the emailed requirements. Whoever wrote it stuffed the email chock-ablock with fancy corporate words. But weird woman should have understood it. Bloody hell. *I* understood it and I've been out of corporate for 2 years now.


Greg said...

So are you suitable? Are you calling back.


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Yup - told her i was about 95% suitable. It's for a CRM project Mgr position and requires sales tracking re staff usage. That;s the bit I cannot do but I was quite frank.

Weird woman said I should be good to go anyways, *shrugs* Recruitor my ass......