2:31 pm

Of being French

I laughed when I read this article.

The French have been voted the world's most unfriendly nation by a landslide in a new British poll published. They were also voted the most boring and most ungenerous. A decisive 46 percent of the 6,000 people surveyed by travellers' website Where Are You Now (WAYN) said the French were the most unfriendly nation people on the planet, British newspapers reported......

.....WAYN's French founder, Jerome Touze, told the papers he had been stunned by the thumping condemnation of his compatriots and sought to blame it on Gallic love-struck sulking.

I've heard so many stories from people I know that have been to France. I personally have never been to Europe so I cannot say I've experienced this first hand. However, a Frenchman I dated in SG couldn't abide Parisian women. The stories he would tell me. Ay.

I'm sure some of you will find equal amusement in the article. heh.


Greg said...

Yea I have to admit I don't have many nice things to say about my visits to France.
Oh Hell the French Suck!!!
