11:23 pm

Druggie rooms

I find this radical idea a little disturbing.

An independent panel of experts has called for heroin injection rooms - where users could legally inject drugs - to be trialled in the UK. This may be a radical idea in Britain but in Switzerland such rooms have become standard.....

..... Berne's heroin injection room is in the heart of the city, and it is a busy place. At the entrance is a counter dispensing needles, syringes, sterile water, and antiseptic swabs. "We give out 1,500 needles every day," explains Ines Buerger, the social worker in charge of the injection room.....

..... "We are here to offer treatment for all the different ailments addicts get," Ms Buerger said. "A doctor comes once a week too." In fact, injection room is not really the right way to describe the facility, it is actually more of a centre. Addicts can get a shower, there is a small restaurant providing nutritious food, and even a corner with comfortable armchairs and table football.

I understand that some European countries are more than liberal. And this is suppose to catch those that fall through every net offered. But I wonder if it will work? Much like the drug park thingie, which was supposed to be the last radical idea, a few years before, didn't it become a pretty dangerous place? Even for the druggies themselves?

And what's with putting in homely touches? Is that meant to encourage them?

Nope, Singapore'll never have something like this. We get too much drug material passing through from Thailand, Australia and Indonesia.

Still, should be interesting to watch out for developments.


Johnny Wadd said...

I believe in this "harm reduction" method of dealing with drug addiction. While it may not be perfect, there isn't an easy solution to this. If this method should be tried, it should most certianly come with a well run program to try and steer these users away from the lifestyle permanently.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

I hear what you're saying, Johnny. And perhaps it might work. However, making them also feel at home kinda defeats the purpose. To me, at any rate.