5:38 pm

Must trust more

I really need to learn to trust the Internet Movie DataBase, or IMDB, more.

Was all geared up about
Poseidon, caught it with Jimmie. But we both left a tad dissappointed. You could tell who was going to die, or who would survive. The plot twists were fairly predictable, characters were quite flat (you don't really feel for'em) and all in all? Pure weekend fluff. And not very good fluff, at that.

Why do I bring in IMDB? Because it's members tend to be pretty accurate. Based on the ratings Poisenden garnered, it was a mere 5.5 out of 10 when I first scanned it. Now it's at 5.7 out of 10. And it hasn't only been just for this movie either. Like I always tell myself about gut feelings too - must trust more!

Oh well.