5:14 am

Park Grass Experiment

How cool is this?
A 150 year old experiment still alive and kicking.

In a field in Rothamsted , Hertfordshire, lies a grid of grassy plots. Some are scattered with colourful flowers, others plush and green, and a few with a felt-like carpet of vegetation. But this pretty spot has a remarkable history, for it is the site of the world's oldest ongoing ecological experiment.

The Park Grass Experiment has had a huge impact on the study of biodiversity and ecology - and this year marks its 150th anniversary. The experiment was set up in 1856 by John Lawes - founder of the research institution now known as Rothamsted Research - and his scientific collaborator, Joseph Gilbert.

I think it's absolutely fascinating how scientists have persevered through the years, obviously through different hands, but all just as lovingly tended.

Not of interest to Singapore, since we've not grown our own food since god-knows-when. But good for communities that still farm the land. Without them, you can take all our world-busting records and shove'em because..... well..... no food, no Singaporeans, eh?

I love reading stuff like this!