1:30 am

WTF - magic?

Does anyone want to tell me how this qualifies as magic? As opposed to physical endurance?

I've seen the episodes where he walks around shocking people with his amazing tricks. Ok. THAT is magic. But this gigantic goldfish bowl
stunt is the latest in a long line that's beyond me.

Go on, explain to me like I'm stupid.


Greg said...

You aint stupid and what he is doing aint magic. He is just a really good con artist. He is making a good living at it though.


Johnny Wadd said...

Well the dude IS a magician, he certianly can perform some tricks but i agree with you that these street stunts are nothing "magical".

Anonymous said...

What a publicity stunt. He actually went into the bowl with a microphone so he could talk to press. Pshhh...

Nige said...

Unfortunately someone saved him, so now he lives to do another idiotic stunt in the future.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Gentlemen, I really didn't understand this latest stunt. Guess I'm not the only one, eh?