1:38 am

Really? We do??

In the course of surfing for info, I came across the CIA World Factbook.

The first time I saw this, I was just bewildered. CIA? Is this for real? The CIA we see in the movies? Why would they publish factsheets on countries? Don't the CIA officers have their own source of information? Why would their agents use the internet? Constant source of amusement and semi-puzzlement. Now I just use it for reference on occasion.

But... and this is a big but... they list Singapore has having 9 airports. Fuck me. 9? We have the current Changi, the old one somewhere off I cannot remember where, Seletar that does freight and private jets. Are they counting military airports? That's 3 more. Total of 6 that I am aware of. We have 9? Really?
Do we even have that much space?

Must try and find out. Interesting!