8:15 pm


It's been a while since I've been to Changi beach.

First I was ill, then Jimmie took off to Indonesia. And Bernie's all busy with the school holidays. These are the 2 I really hang out with at the beach. I missed the peace, I missed the solace, I missed the slightly sticky air that wraps you in a warm, soft, carressing cocoon whilst the waves pound out a gentle rhythm on the sand.

Off work at 4, really sleepy because I stayed up to watch the England match, then woke up 3 hours later to do my early morning shift. But the sky beckoned! Oh, how it beckoned!

It was worth it.

I sat on a bench, had my dinner and felt myself unwind as I watched the sun go down. Nothing to impede my view except the occasional silhouette of a bird. 3 sea eagles slowly flew overhead on separate occasions as the day wound slowly to it's end.

I don't know why I waited so long.


Fucking BS said...

waitaminute. we don't hang out at the beach. as i recall, YOU hang out at the beach. i just chuck back the beers.

take it easy Fiona!


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Beers. Beach. Some would say it's one and the same, Jimmie :)