11:57 pm

Women and porn

Hey, this was interesting!

Erotic images elicit faster and stronger electrical responses in a woman's brain than other images ranging from pleasant to disturbing.

The finding might not sound surprising, but researches did not expect responses to erotic images to emerge so quickly, apparently involving different circuits than the processing of other images.

The test involved 264 women who were shown 55 images of water skiers, snarling dogs, partially clad couples in sensual poses, and other scenes.

Heh. Define other scenes.
I still believe that men, by and large, are more visual than women. More visual in terms of titilation, should I say?

Still, porn is porn. Heh.


Anonymous said...

I followed your link to porn. I remember Richard's Realm from about when it started. Haven't been to it in awhile, though. Is it one of your favorites?

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Hi pornstudent.
Yes, Richard's Realm is an old, old favourite.