11:42 pm

WTF - massive fraud moment

Holy shit, talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Found 2
different articles that details the abuse of those debit cards given out to victims of Katrina. It's astonishing how people have abused the system. I cannot help but recall all those people on TV that mouthed off on how their governement wasn't helping them fast enough. Not doing enough. Not caring enough. And then this turns up.

Here's a list one article reproduces :
- An all-inclusive, one-week Caribbean vacation in the Punta Cana resort in the Dominican Republic.
- Five season tickets to New Orleans Saints professional football games.
- Adult erotica products in Houston and "Girls Gone Wild" videos in Santa Monica, California
- Dom Perignon champagne and other alcoholic beverages in San Antonio.

And 750 cards are unaccounted for. Those same cards amount to US$1.5 million. Imagine that. Imagine how much could be done with that money.

Frankly, I'm speechless.