9:43 pm

Wow. Still running?

It's the late shift, it's friday night, no.... we're definitely not busy.

Idle fingers are the devil's work and I have been catching, on and off, episodes of Cheaters. lol. A cheesy, "reality TV" type thingy and it's hysterical. Partners go on air, P.I.s track people, the host instigates the emotionally wounded partner, the cheaters themselves display astonishing airs of nonchalance, bravado.

Back to idle fingers at work. I actually tried out a basic URL and lo! Cheaters actually has a live, active
website. I am surprised. Copyright at the end of the programme says 2003, but apparently I am not the only one having a good time watching the thing because the website is copyrighted 2006.

More mayhem + more histrionics = more entertainment for me :)


Anonymous said...

Cheaters eh? What are you thinking Fiona? LOL

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Paul, sometimes when I'm dead tired and don't want to go near the PC, I'll turn on the telly. Usually, I'll watch a movie.

But sometimes, I need trash TV. And this fills the need perfectly. ;P