8:45 am

Heh. Snort. Giggle. Chuckle.

That's what I'm trying to subdue right now.

I have to expain.

I'm on the early morning shift. I'm sleepy as all hell when I get an internal call from one guy. It's a bug bear of mine that some people from this department have no clue what sort of insurance we do. Even though we ARE an insurance firm. The minute they hear the word "insurance!!" they'll transfer it through. Which bugs me shitless because us insurance people are taking THEIR calls with no problems at first level.

But I digress....

This guy transfers a call. But our system is down for scheduled maintenance. No, I tell him, I cannot take the call because I cannot retrieve any data. So off he goes and takes down a phone message. Once the call is over, I lean across the aisle, and call his name. And almost die laughing.
K has his sunglasses ON. In the office, with half the lights dimmed because everyone's so sleepy! He's got his shades on! And he's working at his terminal! With his shades on!
Does he think he looks cool? Coolness is a state of being, not a state of wannabe-ness yes?

Throw your 2 cents in, money for the blind!

Wannabe has taken off the shades.
Guess even he felt it after a while. Hilarious!


Anonymous said...

Fiona do shades make the man ? NOT !! :)

Anonymous said...

Must be a "stoner" ;-) ;-)

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Paul and JimBob, it was ALL I could do to NOT reach out and smack him up the back of his head!!