12:33 am

Of friendship

Oh man, Jimbo is off for his first posting.

I can't recall who introduced us, it was years ago. A private BDSM party that saw a bunch of poeople who attended alone group together out of common misary. lol. The group has slowly, softly disintegrated over time but Jimbo and I became firm friends.

He reminds me of me. At that age, the relationships, the people, the environments, the workload. Except that he's probably more talented that I ever will be. He's also the only one of my friends who's younger than I am. That's an exception there by itself. I don't do well with youngsters.

I've just come home from our sausage platter + hagen daaz dinner and the conversation was great. It always is. But this time it seems so permanent. And I'm feeling a little maudlin :o

Off you go, Jimbo.
Spread your wings and soar high.

And remember us old fogeys when you're famous, eh?


Anonymous said...

talented? you're much too kind. i know lots of other people who can touch their genitals with their tongues.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Yeah, right.
And that's only the men ;P

Anonymous said...

We old fogeys can still shake a tail feather Fiona !! :)

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Paul, shake a tail feather sounds exactly right!