I've learnt a new word this evening.
And it is Sexsomniacs. (Damn my online thirst for knowledge)
Essentially, it describes a condition in which people engage in sexual activities while asleep. "Sexsomnia has some distinct features that separate it from sleepwalking. The automatic arousal is more prominent, motor activities are relatively restricted and specific, and some form of dream mentation is often present.....
Sexsomnia can affect both men and women. While the causes are unknown, researchers suspect stress, chronic sleepiness, or alcohol or drug abuse may play a role. Seizure disorders, an injury to the brain, or a history of physical or sexual abuse may also be triggers. In some cases, nocturnal sex may be considered "odd but still within present social norms," the authors write, "particularly if the partner is a willing participant." In fact, some sexsomniacs are apparently better lovers unconscious than they are awake.
At first, I laughed. Sniggered. And then I came across this.
JK, a 27-year-old married nightclub bouncer, was referred to the third author by his wife’s psychiatrist. She had complained that her husband frequently sexually assaulted her while she was sleeping. Criminal charges had been laid, and she was considering leaving the marriage. Mr K had admitted engaging in attempted cunnilingus and sexual intercourse with his sleeping wife. He claimed he was aware of these activities only because his wife told him. Apparently, he had no recollection of the events. He admitted to past voyeuristic activities and sexual arousal from having sex with his wife when she was “tied up.” In addition, they had engaged in mutually consenting swinging.” He had a history of multiple-substance abuse, which was in remission at the time of the assessment. His sleep history was significant for snoring and a personal (as well as family) history of sleepwalking. His wife also described instances in which he screamed and talked in his sleep. He had daytime sleepiness which he self-treated by consuming up to 30 cups of coffee a day and by taking “power naps.”
Results of an overnight sleep study showed evidence of several abrupt and spontaneous arousals from slow-wave sleep (SWS) associated with increased heart rate and compatible with a diagnosis of parasomnia. In addition, a high Respiratory Disturbance Index and decreased oxygen saturation were noted, diagnostic of sleep apnea. Mr K and his wife consented to undergo a second sleep study in their home in which a sleep EEG recording of Mr K was made while they were videotaped. The PSG record again revealed PSG features consistent with parasomnia and sleep apnea. However, no sexual activity was observed on the video recording or reported by the couple on this occasion.
Following treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), Mr K’s sexual activities with his wife while they were sleeping stopped completely. Two months after beginning CPAP (in which time there were no nocturnal sexual assaults), Mr K discontinued CPAP because of “discomfort.” Nocturnal sexual assaults resumed wwithin 2 weeks and ceased again when CPAP was reinstituted.
Damn. Not funny anymore.
More case studies can be found here, as documented by the The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry in 2003
And it's some scary shit.....
I actually know someone who did something very similar nightly, until they quit drinking.
That's crazy, Rich. And not very good in any way possible. I'm glad you mentioned they stopped drinking.
Winston, sometimes on the odd shifts, when it's all quiet, I like to catch up on news. And if something strikes my fancy or curiosity, it's no biggie to do a quick surf :)
I am a repositary of useless information. Can't save my life. Should rather fart, instead. lol
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