This was just too weird.
Richmond, British Columbia will spend C$16,000 ($14,200) to buy six pairs of underwear for each firefighter in a bid to make firehalls in the suburb of Vancouver more gender neutral, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.
"We supply firefighters with various pieces of gear such as gloves, now it's underwear," city official Ted Townsend told the Vancouver Sun, saying it was part of the "integration of the sexes in the workplace."
What. No tighty whities? So how does boxer shorts make it more gender neutral then? I would imagine that if the men left their boys to swing free, they'd be in mortal danger whilst fighting fires.
I just don't get it :o
That's just weird.
But funny though, eh, Rich? :)
That's just bizarre. Why? Why underwear? I have people I consider soul mates I would never buy underwear for!
Mystery, I just thought it was hilarious.
I am a disabled fireman. To think I missed getting drawers supplied by the city ! :)
Next they will eliminate the genderized restrooms and showers. Hmmm... group showers... could have possibilities. Where do I apply?
Paul and Winston,
The 2 of you..... lol!
Hell,I'd rather see all thongs. THis will have two effects; Women will immediately leave the scene of the fashion crime (one man in 48,757,395 looks good in a thong) and men will have all thoughts of sex driven from their mind (one woman in 6 looks good in a thong.)
Those that don't will immeiately cause the rest to claw their eyes out in abject horror, and we can get rid of the politically correct crap and get firemen in place who are there to fight fires. And not look at one another's drawers.
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