6:43 pm

The powers that (will) be

Oh, ye of little faith; this is what the Asians have been rushing for

Western nations must prepare for a future dominated by China and India, whose rapid economic rise will soon fundamentally alter the balance of power, former World Bank chief James Wolfensohn has warned.

Wealthy countries were failing to understand the impact of the invevitable growth of the two Asian powerhouses, Wolfensohn said in the 2006 Wallace Wurth Memorial Lecture at the University of New South Wales at the weekend. "It's a world that is going to be in the hands of these countries which we now call developing," said Australian-born Wolfensohn, who held the top job at the global development bank for a decade until last year....

....Within 25 years, the combined gross domestic products of China and India would exceed those of the Group of Seven wealthy nations, he said.

Actually, I think this is rather a sweeping statement; I do know a few individuals who are most interested, and are preparing very hard, to plunge into China's burgeoning marketplace.

But SE Asia is very aware of the perils of the impending Chinese economic invasion. I remember hosting someone from a particular US governmental origanisation; we were talking informally and he asked my opinion. It led to a rather spirited discussion on how non Mainland Chinese view things.

Interesting, to say the least. Personally, I think we need to watch out for China, and not India. India may be quietly booming, but the Chinese will be aggressive, imperialistic and possibly quite arrogant.

Anyways, just a personal opinion.....


Anonymous said...

The Mainland Chinese are looming larger and larger in world economic affairs.There will come a time,I think, when a showdown will occur if history is indicator.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Oh Paul,