8:01 pm

Singapore Swingers?

I really wonder how the hell they got the data for this article.

Every two months, dozens of couples meet in a pub in Singapore, have drinks, mingle, and then decide whether they want to sleep with one another.

In Sydney or Seattle nobody would bat an eyelid, but the couples are part of a thriving underground swinging scene that is an anomaly for a country where oral sex is illegal and Playboy magazine is banned.

There are at least 10 swingers clubs in Singapore, most of them private, some of them online. With more than 6,000 members, the Web-based United SG Swingers is one of the biggest.

Ok, yes, when I used to support the local BDSM group, I met one or two couples who used to swing. So this article doesn't really catch me by surprise. I know these guys are out there. Swinging never caught my fancy and I was never introduced to more swingers.

Good for'em though! They know how to take the path less travelled.

What I want to know is how the hell they found enough information to make up a full fledged article?? From Reuters, no less. lol. Amazing. Someone, somewhere, thought that this would make ground breaking news. Either that or Singaporans are so bloody stodgy that anything sexy is newsworthy

Still, slow progress is better than none at all, eh?


mad said...

Heh, I thought swingers clubs went out in like the 70s.

Rich | Championable said...

They should've, unless you're really into Hepatitis C, et al.

Monogokinky. That's the way to go.

Did I just make up a word?

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Swingers are still around, different names though :)

All discussions of monogokinky aside (love that word!), people who take their explorations seriously are some of the most safe people around. Serious swinger and BDSM clubs require health certifications. I kid thee not.

Rich | Championable said...

Okay, okay. Maybe I'm a prude, after all. Besides, Hep C is less of a STD then Hep B. My bad.

I think that, maybe, I really believe in couplehood, from a stability standpoint. And this was on my mind when I came by to say hello.


Anonymous said...

Oral sex is illegal? good lord, I'd be in jail in nine seconds.

Anonymous said...

Fiona are they rocking in Singapore? :)

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

I understand your point of view perfectly; you're not being prudish :) You're a good role model in a lot of ways!

They're changing the statute this year. There's been great spirited discussion here about that. All want the law repealed and cases that have been brought to court for other reasons have always had the oral sex bits ignored. (PS. You and me both!!)

I'm afraid I wouldn't know. I guess so? lol. My kinks don't run to group sex.