3:36 pm

Rain + blessings

It's been raining the entire day.

Actually, I walkied home from work last night and it started raining 15 minutes after I got home. How blessed is that? :) Alas, that it's been raining on and off since then. Guess the monsoon season is well and finally here!

Speaking of blessings, Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends.
Ha! I should give thanks for one preppy American MasterChief who's taught me how to laugh and love again. He's softened me up a bit and I don't know if that's a good thing or not because I've think my angsty bits have been blunted. I'm still trying to decide.

I'll thank him for the happiness (and thump him for this round of misery) when I next see him!


Anonymous said...

My dear friend, bet you'll just love him to bits the next time you see him... :P

mad said...

Laughing is a good thing. Especially when you're cooking.

Anonymous said...

an we get a YouTube of the Thumping? will leather assless chaps be involved? Where should we send the canola oil?

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Spoken all too truly, alas :o

I laugh a lot, to compensate for my prickly side, I suppose :o

Would it surprise you to learn that I am what the call a natural submissive?

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes it would. IN fact, I won't believe it until I see pictures. Preferably in flagrante delicto. You have my address.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Ah, ok.
Og, a person's public persona is never quite the same as those behind doors. Especially when it comes to BDSM :)

I know a number of very high flying men in very good corporate positions who are also natural submissives.

And the pictures stay private, sorry. lol.

Anonymous said...

Private is OK. I'd keep them private.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

I know you're joking, Og, so I won't say that our definitions of private are.....

somewhat differet :)

Anonymous said...

hehe! A guy hasta try. You never know unless you ask, dooya?