1:51 am

Thank you

A ripple of excitement for me. Humour a woman with a lot to reminisce about.

Actually, make that a ripple of excitement for 4 women. How do I know it's 4? Because
Mag, Liza, and Bernie have all seen fit to post something about this too. And I'm incredibly flattered that all three have enjoyed an old post I did in July last year. All these cross postings between us. It's made me very nostalgic.

When I did that post, I remember feeling... a little old and jaded about life in general, but still youthful enough to literally stop and smell the roses. I've experienced a lot of things most women my age haven't (life, love and men! lol) and I think I've lived, for what it's worth. And you guys are part of that, make no mistake.

If I were to pass on tomorrow, truly, I would have no regrets.

It's funny. I don't see the ladies as much, but just KNOWING they were there was comforting. I know they worry occasionally because when we met, I'm fairly quiet sometimes. Incredibly reassuring for me, nevertheless.

This is our 18th year, hasn't such a lot happened to us? Look at us now; who would have thought on how differently we'd turn out? I remember 4 very brash & very loud 17 year olds, that's when we really came into our own and terrorised an entire cohort of students. I remember.... oh goodness, a lot of things.

But I don't know if I ever said thank you. For everything. :))