This afternoon was supposed to be packed with activities but I ended up chilling with a friend. Problem with missing salary solved, but still, no enthusiam to start the Christmas shopping madness.
First off, a Burger King whopper. I am not a big fan of junkfood but BK and Subway? Hubba hubba. Tummy, meet the stuffing of the day!
Alas that the mind was willing, but the tummy was not. Now I know I cannot start my day with onion rings.
*rolls eyes*
Coffee + a ciggie? OK.
Onion rings? Hello flatulance and great discomfort!
Once all that gas was settled, it was off for a drive and...... wouldn't you know it..... beach time! Yes, I confess I am a beach bunny; I love me my peace and quiet. There's something about hearing the gentle wash of waves. That slight tang in the air. The open space and the breezes. I'll always go back to a(ny) beach for a recharge!

It was great, sitting along this wee stretch of beach. What made it even better was the fact that it was a work day. Fantastic - we had the place to ourselves! Me and A shared a granite seat and made ourselves comfy. Our bench was right in the line of sight for this cloud and it's reflection.

But hey, we noticed this guy in long sleeves and a tie, scratching something on the sand. He looked quite happy on his own, out on the beach, in his business attire. Must have spent at least 15-20 minutes doing his masterpiece.
We waited until he was off then stauntered down to take a look. I see a lot of things in this picture and the more I look at this picture, the more I am convinced that LongSleeves took off from work early in a celebration. What do you think?

A must have thought me an idiot; I kept on raving about how cool the beach was. But you see, the beach was spotless. Not one piece of foam or paper. Not one scrap of rubbish. Not a mark on the beach, except for this drawing. No footprints, no debris, no flotsam. We could even see the gentle pockmarks cased by the afternoon's shower. I thought that was incredibly rare....
y'know, there really is something to be said for shift work. To run errands and do things on a work day? Pure bliss.
Yeah, I agree -- nothing like sun, sand and surf to recharge the batteries. Even the beaches where I live, which are usually filled with trash and crap that washes ashore.
You must be a water baby, just like me! :)
And me!
Sea, sunshine, sand.. simply speaks to one's soul!
The triple Ss remind me of another set.
Explicitly only for mne?
Shower, Shit and Shave!
Hey Fiona gotta have some mixed drinks and and a comfortable chair when on the beach. = ).
Well I finally posted again. Hope to hear from ya.
Welcome back - I have missed you and your posts :)
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