We pigged out again this evening :o
I think we're going to adopt this coffeeshop in Changi Village. Our SOP now seems to be dim sum and satay. Followed by full bellies and at least half an hour of sitting dazed as the blood suger peaks. Good eats, good eats. May not look like much but between the 2 of us, we had 20 sticks of satay (the guy's marination is really yummy!) and about 10 dim sum dishes. With a double order of chicken feet for us to gnaw on.

We'll never be able to look sleek in our bikinis come Jan07 - after Christmas and New Years as well - but food is important! Taste! Texture! Palette! Aroma! I don't live to eat like some foodies I know; but when I do enjoy something, I'm an all out glutton :)
But that's not what I want to share. I wanted to make mention of a new place Bernie and I discovered called Bersano's.
We were wondering around Changi Village looking for chamomile tea and were utterly disappointed. 2 potential bar stops which left us almost ready to head home. But we rounded the last corner and came across a really cheery site. And did they serve chamomile tea? Oh my, oh yes. One small pot for Bernie, a cappuccino for me.

We got to talking, and turns out that it was a huband and wife team. Michael is the chef; alas, that we were so stuffed by the time we got there. And Loretta does the desserts.
Right. Two women who'd just pigged out an hour ago. Wandering around Changi Village. With full bellies. Uh huh. That's right. This is the SECOND dessert we ordered. This one is white chocolate and fresh strawberry pureed into some of the blocks. And before that? A thick wedge of durian cake. Damn, the woman can bake.

And that wasn't it.
The St Vincent de Paul's Church youth choir was carolling that evening. Wouldn't you know it. We hadn't even planned to be there and now we got to hear'em sing. Fairly tight harmony, classic a cappella, I must admit they are one of the better church choirs I'd heared in recent years.

They put us in the Christmas mood quite quickly. Why don't you join them for their next carolling session? I might meet you there y'know :)

Good food, a smoking corner (you have no idea how important that is!) and a relaxed environment to chill.... I just know we're going to go back to try the main courses.
I think we've found our new watering spot :)
Damn now I am hungry as hell. Your last two post dealt almost solely about food.Well o.k. not really but you talked alot about food and now with my beer buzz I am hungry. = ).
Hey thx for stopping by and saying hi.
Dim sum and satay. Oooh. I think if I lived in Singapore I'd weigh five hundred pounds.
We just found a fantastic Malaysian place in an out-of-the-way corner of Manhattan's "Chinatown" with maybe the best roti canai in town and mindblowing asam laksa but unsurprisingly the best Asian food in the country is on the Pacific coast.
Every time I go to San Francisco on business I gain five pounds, and three of it is dumplings.
Such a perfect evening, isn't it? And we made some new friends too - a great cook and a great baker... Bikini may be out of the question in Jan. LOL.
Taking yr pics to blog. :P
Missed your comments. And if you're well enough to do beer, then heck! You're back!
You give me hope that if/when I find myself in the US, I won't be THAT deprived! :)
I know I enjoyed myself, what a wonderful twist to the evening...
Fiona, if you are on the West Coast of the US and/or near any major city (best cooking on the East Coast: NYC, Boston, Washington DC, in that order) you will not be deprived of excellent Asian food in restaurants, but the "interior" can be very hit-or-miss.
It's not that there aren't Asian restaurants everywhere, because I can guarantee you that almost every town in the US with a population over 10,000 people has at least a Chinese takeout joint, but obviously the places that have really good "ethnic" restaurants of any kind are the places where there are large concentrations of actual "ethnic" people living. :-)
However, there are happy surprises to be discovered everywhere. One of the best Vietnamese meals I ever ate in my life was in a tiny little nondescript place in a storefront in Omaha, Nebraska... and the small city where I grew up in North Carolina now has very good-quality Indian and Thai restaurants and one really outstanding sushi bar, among others.
(And there are delicacies in the Midwest and the South that I can't find in New York City, such as excellent barbecue restaurants. which I am morally certain you would completely love.)
My god, it's really obvious why I'm a fat man, isn't it. Whew.
Hey, hey, Fiona, dropping by.....thanks again n we'll continue with our "makan" talk! cheerios, Loretta
I would love to meet you. You and a few other people, actually :)
You don't comment often.... but by gods, when you do, it's classic!
Oh my, an unexpected pleasure. We're still talking about your place now. lol.
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