11:47 pm


I was on the early early shifts last week.
And having a conversation with 2 much younger girls - very early 20s - in the office as we tried to wake up.
I was trying to share with them that, as women, there are some things that need to be done when we're young. Of all things, it was about calcium and Vit D.

Was trying to share with them that as we get older, we have to make sure our "bone bank" is well stocked up to face our aging years. But you know, I could see in their faces..... bone bank? build up calcium? not able to build from 30s onwards? 30s? That's a lifetime away!

That's just the thing. When one is in their late teens or early 20s, anything else seems like incredibly old age. So far away. I have time! I'll think about this later!

*wry grin*
The thing is that you DON'T have time.