8:04 am

No time! No time!

Blech - Christmas is about a week away.

Stuff needs to be done, my leave wasn't approved, and Mom's broken the bottom plate of her right foot. So. Much MUCH busier than normal. I'm not dead, stuff's still going on, but blogging will be light.

Just so you know.


Anonymous said...

i was wondering whether you went on a holiday without access to internet; or you were in jail somewhere; or you were just plain lazy.

ok, welcome back and post something really interesting.

EuroYank - Virginia Hoge said...

Well things could be worse. You could be "knocked up," or some Western guy psyched you out, or some Asian guy is now controlling you, or some EuroAsian guy has you working for him, or instead of laid up you could be laid off. Anyway I am glad you are not a lesbian, or a transvestite and appreciate humor even if it isn't funny. Happy holidays!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Gee guys, thanks for the support!

Me, Myself n I said...

Guess what, my Mom broke the part of her right foot in between two toes when she accidentally knocked her foot into one of the chairs in the house. And it just broke like that :o( She's pretty miserable about it cuz it's painful and taking forever to heal. Hope your Mom feeling better and you not getting too stressed with Xmas round the corner. Hugs coming your way girl!

Anonymous said...

.... good luck!...


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Uh oh... hope your Mom's foot is healing well. It's terribly frustrating, I know!

Thank you :)