9:16 pm

Anti christ (well... close!!)

Good god.
My company's on FaceBook and my department, the contact centre, are embracing it like fools gold.

You know, I personally don't like being so networked but I do understand that for some, it's proven really beneficial. Well and good. I can see how these sites can be useful and valuable.

But I draw a DISTINCT line between my work and personal life. And believe it or not, I tend to be an extremely private person. Oh, whatever I blog is still me, and the viewpoints therein are all mine. But they're thoughts I could see printed in the papers i.e. I don't care. I'm talking about ME me. That's private.

They're up to 99 members. And if you log on and see, you'd be able to identify those that are close to the boss. Who's got a personal empire thingie going on. Lackeys and slaves all very

Whatever the case may be, I just withdrew.
The group was started up a long time ago by just a few colleagues to share stuff because we're all on different shifts. But now? It's like a farce. Get online and show FaceBook time to prove your loyalty?

Thanks. But I'll not kiss ass even if it costs me my job.


og said...

Bravo. Besides, as soon as something becomes popular, by definition,it's not cool anymore.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...


Sometimes I feel like an island.... The price for sticking to one's principles, eh? ;P

og said...

Sometimes I feel like an island too, but that's because of my ginormous size.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Wash yer mouth out, Og. I've SEEN your picture. You are NOWHERE as big.

You're still cute though ;P