12:28 am

No fluff here

I find it ironic that a woman from California - reputed to be THE most progressive state in the US - is against same sex marriage. It cost her the beauty pageant title too.

Quite frankly, I couldn't care less about the pageant. It's just that the irony is sooo .. I dunno... can irony be vast?

I respect her for one thing though, she spoke her mind, and she spoke true to her beliefs. That takes guts in the public eye. Especially the crowd that takes pageants seriously :o

Good for her!


Anonymous said...

The legislature here just passed a
"in everything but name law", last week (April 15, 2009), while I find it personally 'distasteful' I don't really care. Somehow I doubt the article that you linked to has it right in that there are "MILLIONS" of 'couples'. I'll bet that each state has a population of a few thousand at best.


Anonymous said...

Of course the link..



Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Hi JimBob,

Thre might be more if things became more "open" legally.... I know that would be the course in Singapore if things were so repressive socially here.

og said...

A marriage is a contract made between people. The feelings you have for your significant other are the important issue. Non opposite sex couples who wish legal protection should be entitled to it.

however: When you wan to use the law to force someone to accept you who is not normally accepting of you, that's just a way to destroy something that you want but can never have. This is all about using the law as a way to damage the church. The end result is predictable as a three stooges routine: Gays force "legal marriage" issue, and when they get that, they will then use the law to remove the tax exempt status of churches, since churches aren't "obeying the law". They can't get Christian churhces to accept them, so they'd rather destroy them than let them stand. That is the agenda. Nothing else.