12:13 pm

Sneaky, and unworthy!

I think things are getting ridiculous at AWARE.

Did you read the
article? No? I quote verbatim :

The new exco said AWARE had become a single purpose organisation overly concerned with promoting lesbianism.

They repeatedly raised examples, like how the old guard had backed a lesbian film screening in 2007 and organised a lesbian—friendly Mother’s Day event in 2006. And they wanted to bring the association back to what they say is its original noble cause.

When contacted for comment, former AWARE president Margaret Thomas said those comments were ridiculous and not deserving of any comment.

I concur. AWARE has done some sound work for women in Singapore. As it should. As it's purpose.

Does being a woman mean only liking men? How small minded!! Being a woman encompasses so much more! It means being aware of youself as a person, an individual. Isn't that what the damned feminist principle is all about? Freeing yourself? To gain emancipation? How much more free than to realise and embrace your sexual self?

I am perfectly straight, sexually, but recognise that not everyone is like that. So why can't that be recognised? Why not focus on the IMPORTANT things? Like domestic violence? Educational issues? Career opportunities? Politics? Why is a woman's sexuality, which is so very private, being brought to the fore?

Besides, I don't like the way things went. Sure, the current exco's election was legit, but it was also damned bloody sneaky. And a very VERY poor way to earn the trust of existing members.

Makes me want to sign up myself, just to show support for the old guard.....


Me, Myself n I said...

Maybe we should sign up. Good idea. It's just getting so ridiculous yes!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...


I am seriously considering this. If they want to bring forth the women, this issue has certainly triggered it! :o