11:48 pm

Not fit to be parents!

hey... I need to start my own version of the Darwin Awards for parents who haven't got a clue...

Just got a call asking about 6 months travel insurance. Now, as an experienced CSO, I can see this coming MILES away. We get this all the time. So I quote the 6 months and ask for the purpose of the trip. And lo! the man says I'm going to Boston to study. It's not for you, right? I ask.... No, my son, he's going to study.

Another winner! So this time, I just said point blank "I beg your pardon? Your son is leaving today, to go to the US for 6 months, and he has no insurance?

I'm sorry if that's not the right customer service attitude. But truly. Things are getting absurd. You're spending a shitload of money to send your child halfway across the globe to on a study attachment. You're coughing out thousands of dollars on living expenses. And sorry? You *forget* the insurance?