1:19 am

She'll blow you away, always

You know the familiar refrain.... where there's the will, there's a way?

Yeah, well, mother nature certainly finds a way!

Most incredible, though, was the revelation a few years ago that some extremophile the researchers found in an Alaskan tunnel actually came to life as the ice around them melted. These bacteria had endured being frozen for 32,000 years and were able to go back to "business as usual" as they thawed out. If microscopic creatures on Earth can do that, why not microscopic creatures on other planets?

Of course, if we're talking about other planets, then we're talking about the hunt for life Out There. And this isn't some quirky SETI thingie, it's a NASA thingie.

Ok, the article from which the excerpt was taken is from 2008. But I'd like to think the expedition met with success? And even if it didn't, the results would still be interesting, yes?

Still, I'm just sitting here thinking about how thawed microbes can come back to life after 32,000 years. Good grief. I took a good hard look at my screen to make sure I had the numbers correct lol

Oh well. Life's always amazing, isn't it?


og said...

Except if the bacteria come back to life and give you a case of the screaming runs. That part would be bad.

but maybe that would be the Creator's plan.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...


Eh, Og, god forbid.
Living with the runs on a NORMAL basis is already part of my life.

I can't imagine Prehistoric Causes of the Runs. :D I think my toilet bowl would explode!