1:05 pm

Wow, that was unexpected

Do you remember my previous post?
sucky movie titles with an actual, decent movie?
Another idiot movie exec needs to be slapped.

I just caught
How to train your dragon. I know, I know.... animation. It's for the kiddies. Yes. Well. I was off yesterday and I needed to unwind. Even caught the 3D version without meaning to. Heh. And if you have *never* been in a movie theatre on a weekday when it's almost 90% empty, you have nooooo idea what you're missing :D

But that's another story.

THIS story is about a viking lad who's trying to live up to the fearsome reputation his chieftian father has. Viking Lad is all brainy, whilst the rest of the dragon warriors are burly. Yada Yada Yada. You know the drill from here!

But instead of killing, Viking Lad earns the friendship of one Night Fury and the story unfolds from there. Incidently, Night Fury ended up sort of reminding me hugely of kitties. Let me know if you get that same impression lol

At any rate, it's harmless and totally non threatening, the kiddies really will enjoy this one. But oh my word.... as a story, it tugged... OH how it tugged at the heartstrings. Sometimes, the simplest stories are the best! And I confess, I sniffed at certain parts. Aw......

Anyways, as a movie in general it was great! Kudos to the storywriters! And I see (for now) that IMDB contributers have rated it highly. I did too, actually.

Gotta give the movie credit where it's due, eh?

PS I thought I was getting weepy and sentimental in my dotage. I mean, to tear at an ANIMATED movie? But shit, I read the reviews on IMDB of the movie and heck, I'm not the only one who thought it was a great movie. Yes, there really are poignant scenes! Whew!