4:17 am

Never leave women alone, with nothing to do

Well. Server went down again.

The problem with satellite offices is that everything is web based. And out net connection or web server dies, we're pretty much platform-less. So if your work buddies are cool, then hilarity ensues!

First, we toyed with the balloons that were put up for customer service week.

With flat nipples:

With firmer tits. I'm a flotation device! wahey!

And the girls fooling around with their shawls. May I present Arabic phone sex? whahahahahahaha!

And lastly, the night shift symbols. That's right, only 2 of us smoke, and between us we had 8 lighters tonight lol
By the way, those 4 at the back are at least 6 inches long. They're meant as novelty items, but we couldn't resist. We actually do use them on occasion. Also, I told them that we should make that last picture our unit flag.... Would look great lol

And now, back to work for us and to see if system is up!