6:02 pm

Foolishness all 'round....

Christmas tree came down today.

Came back from my shift to find my sister up and about, which is quite rare at the time *I* return. So. Ok. Tree. 12 days was about over so.... no excuse, eh?

However, because we were busy last night at work, and I'd slept poorly the afternoon before work, I was..... well, in the local patois .... stone, siah! Which is not druggy stoned, but lack of sleep stoned.... you know, when your eyeballs feel all burned out but bright? Yes. Exactly like that.

So what I'm trying to say is that when I get that way, silliness ensues.

No tree, but the skirting - which SOMEONE in the house bought. 
s'not me. 
s'not The Sister.
I think my Dad was the culprit.....

Trying to make sense of how *traditional* the thing was:

Of course, it's been folded in half. Here I am wondering if it would fit like a skirt.... but it's tiny. Perhaps as a skirting for my belly button haha

It could fit like a bad beard though.....

Speaking of christmas, one of the things I got was a token from The Sister's boyfriend. I just thought... well... since it was past the 2 year mark for them, I'd better get him a gift yes? Then The Sister told him and HE had to get me something. Garh. She shouldn't have told. lol. I just wanted the guy to feel welcome in the family!

He got me a Bad Taste Bear keychain. Cute, eh? I kept on asking my sister how'd he know? hey! how'd he know?

Submissive teddy hangs by my laptop, just about at eye level, discreetly dangly behind my lamp.

So my Mom doesn't scream when she comes in to my room. Heh. YES she's liable to make noise. NO she wouldn't understand the shackles and gag. Here, you can just bearly/barely make him out to the right side of the lamp.

Erm... I just realised....

Please forgive the weirdness of the picture above. I just realised the mirror is reflecting the curtains of the windows just beside my nook. It's not a weird picture I'm hanging above my lappie, it's a mirror. lol. I like to tuck the curtains up when I'm up and about.

Ok, that's enough foolishness for today :o


Bernadette Chua said...

Babes, I have always loved your funny pics! Time for a hols or outing where we can take funny pics! (errr... where I can help you take funny pics. My funny poses ain't funny. Lol)