3:51 pm

The best of both worlds

4 March 2012

I've been really lazy about pictures.

c'mon... you know it takes me forever to post pics lol But I am making an effort today. Haha. Anyways, as always, full album is available on FaceBook - I see no point posting in multiple places - but here are a few snapshots.

Home made yu sheng.... EXTREMELY delicious.

Loads of people... and this is only about half the entire family present.

Another tradition - you should gamble to usher in good luck lol My family normally plays blackjack and bet small (as in, 20/50cents small. Bet a dollar and THE ENTIRE TABLE does a collective Whoooaaaaaaarrrrr! lol) Tons and tons of fun!!

Yup - the Hogan siblings....

HHmmmm.... I like being mixed... it really does give me the best of both sides of the family. This year's Chinese New Year was fun :))


Anonymous said...

fiona that's you in the middle? that dress is awesome. you remind of a friend of mine, very sexy full of attitude.

6 cats mom