10:44 pm

Of self worth

Holy crap.
Looked what I found today, whilst clearing out some old stuff.
That's right, my name card as of June 2004.

I thought I threw everything away.

Memories. Mostly bad. lol. Shang was, by far, the most..... challenging place of employment. Isn't that the politically correct way of saying things nowadays?

The one before that said... head of operations, or something like that. I had to correct people all the time because they thought it meant Director. I'd tell them, Not now. Perhaps in another 5 years I'll be ready. *wry grin*

It was nice, having a name card.
People knew you carried a certain amount of responsibility. It actually meant something. Shit, in servicing, you start off as an Executive or an Officer and when it says Manager, it means exactly that.

(I digress, but in Singapore, I found out that for most banks, the entry level designation is Asst Mgr and one up after that was VP of dept. How hilarious. They'd have a dozen VPs within the department alone.)

And now?
Hah! when I met G
last week in Changi, he didn't believe me when I told him I had none. It sank in only after about 5 minutes of conversation explaining my last 2 years as a hermit, as a grunt. Heh.

It's funny how people can derive their own self worth from the perceived. For a while after I quit corporate, I was in a bit of a funk. I really did feel a little worthless. All that struggling in a non-service oriented society and nothing to show for it after a decade.

But life has a funny way of teaching you some very important lessons. I've dealt with THAT for a while now.

I am more than my old name cards will ever be. :)


Anonymous said...

Very true Fiona !!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Took a while for it to sink in, though, Paul.