11:22 pm

Graphic terms

I was going through my blogroll when I came across this post from AcidMan. Dingleberries. Dingleberries? Geez. I had no clue what the hell a dingleberry was. I had to get a friend to explain it to me. Fucking hilarious.

J from Edmonton helped me via MSN, "....dingleberries, Fiona. y'know..... shit pieces caught in your ass hair?". No, I really didn't know. Didn't have a single iota of knowledge on what a dingleberry was. Wonderful. My new word for the day. Thank you. Thank you very much.

But unlike some guys, women don't normally have copious amounts of ass hair. Besides? Who the hell even comes close to having dingleberries? Don't guys wash their asses like women do?

No wait........ don't answer that.