11:26 pm

No fucktard, but.....

Wow - no fucktard of the week.

Having said that, I have had a shitload of idiots - well below fucktard level, alas - who were insurance agents, who shouldn't be allowed out on a leash, let alone sell people things. I have never had anything to do with insurance until my current job. And it didn't even start OUT for insurance. But coming back to the point....

These guys are out there selling for all they're worth. And they aren't even giving the correct information. Take my prized idiot from earlier this week. Couldn't tell the difference between protection bonus, sum assured and the surrender value. If you're not into insurance, don't worry. But if you're IN it, you'd damn better be alert!

Idiot mixed up the first two for the last one. Basic information. Wanted to advise his policy holder to surrender and receive all the monies. NOT DONE!! The difference between the 2 is about 70% in monetary terms! I cannot believe you're out there, Mr ChinaMan! No wonder people think our agents are crap!

On the other hand, I can name 3 agents who totally deserve my unreserved respect for the honesty and dignity they treat everyone around them with. But alas, such a small handful!

Isn't that always the case? Hordes of ghastly bastards with the manners of my dead dog's ass..... and only a scintillating handful to remind us that being human carries a tremendous amount of dignity.
