7:53 pm


I walkied home today.

It was hot but I perservered. Since I slept so long and hard last night, I'm well hydrated, it should be perfect timing for an evening walkie! I can feel it doing me a world of good, these walks. I'm trying to work on my flexibility, my heart rate and my BP. Also, since I think my left booby is starting to sag a wee bit, the least I can do is work on my butt.

And of course, I have to finish the day with a deep friend chicken cutlet. Heh.


Anonymous said...

I walk too and can verify that it is good exercize and it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I meditate while I walk too.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Hey Paul.
In all seriousness? I love my walkies and I really do feel quite good after them. Good for the heart, too.