9:26 am

I know I shouldn't laugh, but I do!

I came out of my room this morning to a really strong smell of bug spray and this :

Ah, a cockroach!

Apparently, my sister had come back from home to find a roach stauntering across her bedroom. She'd sprayed it to within an inch of it's life. But... you know what roaches are like. That last inch of life can last another few lifetimes!

She tried to pick it up, it wriggled, she screamed, and the whole lot dropped down onto the floor again. It did not help that I was laughing and taking pictures.

Finally, no more movement, and the mess is picked up and dumped. One 4cm cockroach, a half roll of toilet paper and a lot of giggling on my side

It's to my great entertainment and my sister's intense misfortune that she is a cockroach magnet :D Lookit, we share the common bathroom. On the rare occcasion that I've seen a road in there, it tends to leave me along. But my sister? Nooooooo.....

Apparently, a few have fallen on her head whilst she's in the shower. One even fell on her once, whilst she was washing her hair. On another occasion, one apparently crawled up her jeans without her knowing.

She related the story and (i) it gave her nightmares (ii) and it made my face hurt from laughing too much. Apparently, she'd felt the feelers very very lightly and - not knowing what it was and not wanting it go go further up her jeans leg - she squashed it against her leg. It did not die immediately, and neither did it fall out straight away. So, only when she got home later, did she find roach remains on the inside of her jeans leg. Which is horrific, when you come to think about it, actually :o But yes, that's my sister.

My entertainment portal! bwahahahahahahahahaaaa!!