12:52 pm

Kitty therapy

My brother (James) and sis-in-law (Regina) rescued a wee kitty one evening as they were walking home. 

Kitten had ran up to a woman as she was boarding a cab. She tried to nudge it away with her foot but the kitten ran under the taxi instead. James and Regina managed to whisk the kitteh off home for a much needed bath, food, and good loving :) 

The intention was to foster for a while, but their other 3 much older cats (11 year old siblings)  seemed not to mind too much; so now the kitten is theirs to keep! He's called Nibbles because he likes to bitey! The pics were taken a week after Nibbles was brought home, when I went over to visit last Saturday. 

Yes, I am now a Cat Aunty lol

Full album is up on FaceBook if you like, and I have vids, which won't allow themselves to be loaded. Hmpf.

But oh golly, Nibbles needs to be squished and loved every 5 minutes lol


john said...

Cat! WooHoo! Any cat that knows Fiona knows a good and caring person. I'm sure that carries over into your extended family.
Head-pats for Nibbles all the way from the East Coast of the U.S.! Please make sure for us that the pats are fresh when they finally arrive in Singapore!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

I think my bro and sis-in-law gave Nibbles extra scritchies immediately once I passed on your request for *fresh* head-pats! haha