10:58 pm


Wow. It's been a week of nostalgia.

First off, 'bought 2 days ago, I bumped into Jeannie - a girl whom I went to school with when I was 15. I was coming out of the 7-11, stuffing my ciggies into my bag, she turns to look at me, our eyes widen, and the names pour forth simultaneously! Jeannie! Fiona! Hey! I can't believe you remembered my name!

Oy! A rabid AND rapid 10 minute exchange then proceeds: of names, old stories, DECADES old gossipy tidbits and a mutual admiration of how the other hasn't aged. Heh. Jeannie says I have the same laugh AND walk as I did in school. This, when we were 15/16. In comparison to now, when we are 34 this year. Amazing. I've had the same laugh all this time? All these years?

Then a leisurely dinner with an ex colleague last night. Good ol' SL, who's suffering through training at her new company with a bunch of xiao jies. The evening somehow ended up with my reminiscing and sharing anecdotes of my weirdo growing up years into adulthood with SL. At least I entertained her, I hope.

And tonight, lying in wait for me in my inbox, was a message from my old college. Someone, according to Statcounter, had trawled the internet for TPJC alumni, found my blog, retrieved my email, and sent me an up-date on our old school's 20th Anniversary. That's a lot of trouble to send an email.

Shit. 20th Anniversary - they'd be in their 20th Student Council as well, then. Dammit, I feel my age! I was in the 4th SC. Heady, glorious, wild days with
MBA. Probably the start of the best time of my life though. Gorgeous gorgeous memories.

Wicked!! w00t!


Thomas said...

My 20th high school reunion is next year, and I realized a lot of my stduents were born the year I graduated high school. I'm really feeling my age.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

WhipScrap, well do I share your feelings. :)

Greg said...

I missed my 20th this year. Maybe I will make my 25th.
Glad to hear you enjoyed reminiscencing with your school friend. I think it would be cool if I could run into someone I knew from school while living here in Germany.


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

It's always cool, Greg :))