My family is officially ready for Christmas now.
Tree's up and done. Same tree as last year. Not only is the tree up but everyone seems all good and prepared. Lookit all the prezzie's just waiting to be given away! And this is only half of what's under that tree!
I especially love this part of Christmas. I don't know why. And don't talk about the religious aspect - I got that out of my system a long time ago. But the 24 hours just before? For some reason, I revert to a little girl again and the sight of all those colourful wrappings and ribbons and boxes and tags..... Well, for some reason I love the sight of a Christmas tree loaded with presents!
Got to share this with you :
I was going up to the tree to place my prezzies when Dad turned to me and said Those are yours? Put them in front! Put the nice ones in front to display! And then he started stuffing the one's he'd wrapped behind and under the pedestal table.
I took them out when he'd gone back upstairs. Dad is not a patient wrapper. It's concealed? You can't see? Done! is his mode of wrapping. But my heart went out to him. He's always dabbled in painting and drawing and I didn't think he had cause to hide his contributions.
I like them, actually. Sort of cheerful, artsy and still obviously presents! I took them all out and placed them right in front. He made an effort and I'm so damned proud of him.
And THESE are mine.
Every year I'll pick a colour theme and this years' is blue and silver. I quite like them, actually. :)Should've seen last years..... I remember I had everything in red!
Christmas is also all about food!
More pics soon on the Christmas eve dinner at my place AND my family's traditional Christmas day lunch at Nanny's house :) Apart from that? I suspect blogging will be light over the next few days. Either I'll be tired from all the activities, or just too bloody stuffed to move!
Merry Christmas, you lot.
Celebrate with good cheer and with friends & family close by, for true treasures will not come in shiny, be-ribboned packages. May the next few days bless you with an abundance of laughter and joy.
(Peace, too, for those that crave it. lol.)
Totally agree! Love your dad's creative wrapping that's from the heart!
And of course, your presents are always perfectly nicely wrapped! Is one of those mine? Haha!
Enjoy your family and Christmas Fiona !! :)
Merry Christmas, Fiona! Hope it is the bestest ever.
Bernie, Paul and Og,
Merry Christmas Fiona. I hope you enjoy your day. I agree with ya, Christmas is all about the food. Well I guess the family rates up there to. LOL.
Greg, you incorrigable man, you forgot your beer! lol.
Merry Christmas!
OMG, your presents are so beautifully wrapped! And all to a color scheme. How creative!
For me, it's all about the food, the football, the food, the wine, the family. Oh, and did I mention the food?
As the world turns, I suppose your Christmas day is over, but I wish for you that the spirit of love and peace of Christmas will be with you all year long...
Merry Christmas! :)
lol. Ach, Christmas means many different things for all of us.
But yeah, the food!
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